Final Installation Procedures
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Reattach the indoor unit bottom cover after all other installation
procedures are complete.
1. If ON, shut power OFF to the system.
2. At the bottom of the bottom cover, insert the three (3) to four (4)
hinges into the channels molded to the left, right, and middle of
the indoor unit (Location 1). Number of hinges present depends
on model of indoor unit.
3. After all hinges are secure, match the three (3) or four (4) small
C-hooks located in the middle of the bottom cover (Location 2)
to their sockets on the indoor unit. (Number of C-hooks present
depends on model of indoor unit.) On the outside of the bottom
cover, securely snap the C-hooks in place at each location using
the heel of the palm.
4. Match the snaps at the top left and right sides of the bottom
cover to their sockets, and push to lock the bottom cover to the
indoor unit (Location 3).
5. Verify the bottom cover is securely installed by pushing the bot-
tom cover to the indoor unit at all attachment locations.
Figure 108: Close Up of Bottom Cover Connections (Appearances May
Vary Depending on Indoor Unit Model).
Top Snaps
Reattaching the Indoor Unit Bottom Cover
Figure 109: Inserting the Bottom Cover Hinges into the Indoor Unit Chan-
nels (Step 2).
To prevent bending the bottom cover (and subsequent damage), assem-
ble the bottom cover correctly.
Figure 110: Securing the Bottom Cover C-hooks to
the Indoor Unit Sockets (Step 3).
Figure 111: Snapping the Top Left and Right
Sides (Step 4).
Figure 112: Checking that All Attachment Loca-
tions Are Secure (Step 5).
Reattaching the Indoor Unit Bottom Cover