9.3 Examples of installation
The connection of pCO1 boards in LAN network allows for the following functions:
. balancing air-conditioning units working hours by spare units (in stand-by mode) rotation.
. spare units start-up in case other units stop due to serious alarms or black-out.
. spare units start-up to compensate for the excessive thermal load.
. controlling up to 8 air-conditioning units by a single external LCD display.
. operation of all air-conditioning units according to Master air-conditioning unit probes to adjust
units operation.
. managing alarms printing and probes values by shared external display.
Connection in LAN network allows configuring a wide range of systems. The following list includes the main
system types to be possibly created, in order of complexity, and provides suggestions for executing
. one or more independent air-conditioning units (board(s) with LAN address 1 + external
display(s), if any, with LAN address 25);
. two or more air-conditioning units and one external display (boards with LAN addresses 1-8
connected with Rs485 via J11, display with LAN address 32 connected with one of the boards); this
connection allows for the functions listed in the previous paragraph;
. two or more air-conditioning units in LAN network, each provided with private display (boards with
LAN addresses 1-8 connected with Rs485 via J11, displays with LAN addresses 25-32 connected
with the relevant board); this connection allows for the functions listed in the previous paragraph.
Networks in which boards are connected with the LAN allow selecting the units involved in the Rotation
functions, thus obtaining a mixed network with interacting and independent units.
LAN connection among the boards allows using a shared external display (add. 32) in addition to the boards
private displays; this solution is adopted where private displays are assembled on the air-conditioning units
and the shared display is installed inside a room.
: if only one board is being used, it must have LAN address 1; no LAN electric connection is
required and the external display, if any, must have LAN address 25.
9.4 Shared external display
The Menu main screen shows the LAN address of
the displayed board in the upper right corner; in
private displays, it is a fixed number corresponding
to the LAN address of the board they are connected
with (1-8).
Display no. 32 allows selecting the board to be
displayed by pushing button Info; whenever a button
is pressed, the address displayed in the upper right
corner increases by 1 and the display shows the
parameters of the board selected among the
connected ones.
In case of a board alarm, the shared display
automatically connects with it to display the alarm.
The shared display can be connected to any
network board; in case of boards equipped with
built-in display, the shared display must be
connected to connector J10 by a telephone cable; in
case of boards equipped with private external
display, shown in the following figure, is required
(private=Term n; shared=Term n+1):
The shared display only allows printing all boards
alarms and parameters.