As there is no feedback to define precisely the valves opening range, the program cannot easily manage the
three-position valves. A slight difference between the time calculated by the program and the relays enabling
time or a mechanical friction preventing the valves from moving freely may originate discrepancy between
the valves actual opening range and the range calculated by the program. To obviate this problem, the
following precautions are provided for:
whenever temperature control requires a valve complete opening or closing, the program increases
the opening or closing relay enabling time by 25% to ensure complete opening/closing.
whenever the board is started, the valves are completely closed during the running time; only after
time has elapsed, the valves start modulating their opening range based on the control request.
2.9.2 0-10Volt VALVES
These valves use a 0-10Volt modulating signal coming from the microprocessor to modify their opening
range from 0% to 100%.
The 0-10Volt electric signal is directly proportional to the temperature proportional band. Unlike the three-
position valves, these valves do not require adjustment since their opening range is directly proportional to
the analogue output value.
2.10 Outlet fan
With unit enabled, the outlet fan keeps switched on. It can be managed with On
Off or modulating output.
The fan is provided with a thermal alarm and an air flow controller alarm, which lock the unit setting it to OFF
state; thermal alarm requires manual rearm, whereas air flow controller alarm is rearmed automatically.
Description of modulating management:
Temperature set
100% 0% 0% 100%
19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5
Warm proportional band Cold proportional band
100% 100%
Min speed (5.0V) Fan speed
Max speed (10.0V)