WARNING: the serial port connection speaks with the device programming directly.
Please try to assure yourself that you will not lose power, connection or interface with a
unstable computer when communicating directly with the unit.
Configuring Step One
Now we will teach your PC to talk to the Leivio Unit with the following actions
First off we teach the terminal program to speak with the Leivio unit. You need to
have a serial cable (RS-232) with a gender changer or a female to female RS-232 cable
attached to both the Leivio back panel (see Figure 10) and your serial port on your
Terminal Program set-up
Configure Serial Port Terminal program to the following;
First with the Windows program it will ask for the connections name. We don’t use a
special one so enter anything you’d like to. Then you will go to a screen like this one:
Figure 2.1 Identify COM port – You must have a COM port free and configured to communicate with
Leivio unit.
Now just select the free COM port you will use to communicate with the Leivio unit.
Many times the serial ports for many modern computers are disabled by the BIOS of
that computer. This is especially prevalent if USB devices are present, so be sure to
check your BIOS if there is a problem with the COM port not connecting.
Also, sometimes if you have a PDA, GPS or other software installed that uses a COM
port, it may not allow other devices to use that port requiring you to install another
Serial Port. Please consult your computer vendor’s documentation on serial ports if this
is the case, or if you suspect that you’re not configured correctly for this