iCONgrade, Operation
Stringline and Edge
For stringline sensing, the Tri-Sonic must be positioned across the reference wire. The Auto-
matic Side Shift control of the Tri-Sonic will keep the sensor always over the reference using
the hydraulics of the third valve section to regulate the Blade in and out.
Mounting the Tri-Sonic
on the support
Normal operation
Edge operation
1. Release the clamping screw on the support.
2. Insert the round centering pivot on the top of the
sensor housing vertically into the support.
3. Rotate the sensor to the required sensing mode
(refer to previous page).
4. Lock the centering pivot of the sensor with the
clamping screw.
For sensing Edges it is required to tilt the sensor
toward the Edge, as shown on the picture. Slacken the
knob on the bracket, tilt the bracket and tighten the
knob again.