Staking a Road Alignment
General Guide to RoadPlus - 4.0.0en
Staking a Road Alignment
This chapter of this guide explains the operation of the
RoadPlus application program covering the following steps:
Starting the application
Configuring road stakeout parameters
Selecting the alignment file
Staking uneven stations
Staking cross sections
The Coordinate System
In order to get the correct result when working with RoadPlus,
the GPS jobs must be orientated to the same local grid
coordinate system as the alignment to be staked out. This is
accomplished by attaching the current coordinate system to
the job.
Depending on the coordinate system, you will either use pre-
defined parameters or determine the required transformation
parameters either on the sensor or in SKI-Pro.
On how to set up a coordinate system and on how to
calculate transformation parameters please refer to "Getting
Started with Real-Time Surveys“ as well as the "Technical
Reference Manual" for assistance.