ZD200 Differential Probe
Probe Operation
Handling the Probe
The ZD200 probe is a precision test instrument. Exercise care
when handling and storing the probe. Always handle the probe
by the probe body or compensation box. Avoid putting
excessive strain or exposing the probe cable to sharp bends.
ESD Sensitive
: The tips of the ZD200 probes are sensitive to
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Avoid causing damage to the
probe by always following anti-static procedures (wear wrist
strap, etc.) when using or handling the probe.
Connecting the Probe to a LeCroy
The ZD200 probe has been designed for use with LeCroy’s
WaveSurfer, WaveRunner, WaveMaster, and WavePro
platforms equipped with the ProBus interface. When you
attach the probe output connector to the oscilloscope’s input
connector, the oscilloscope recognizes the probe, provides
proper termination and activates the probe control functions in
the user interface.
Operation with a LeCroy Oscilloscope
When the ZD200 probe is connected to any compatible LeCroy
oscilloscope, the displayed scale factor and measurement
values are automatically adjusted.