Tuning On The 60 Meter Band
The YT-450 tunes in AM mode, but, in the United States, the FCC requires that only SSB
transmissions can be made in the 60 meter band. To that end, the FT-450 and FT-950 radios will
not switch to AM mode during tuning, but will remain in SSB mode. If no audio signal is present
during SSB transmission on 60 meters, then no RF will be generated, and the YT-450 will blink
a “No RF Was Detected” error.
In order to tune on the 60 meter band, then, speak into the microphone while tuning. It will
suffice to say “Ahh” for a few seconds while tuning. Be sure to identify your communications, as
is required by FCC rules.
MARS/CAP Coverage
The YT-450 provides continuous tuning coverage over its specified range; not just in the ham
bands. This makes it useful for MARS or CAP operation, or any other legal HF operation.
Operation with a PC / CAT
Although the YT-450 uses the transceiver’s CAT port for tuning control, the YT-450 is
designed to allow the user to continue to use the CAT interface with the transceiver for PC
control, also.
If PC control of the radio is desired, simply hook a 9 pin straight thru female-to-female cable
to the
jack on the rear of the YT-450, and connect to the PC’s serial port.
Any rig control software on the computer must be set to use the 38,400 baud rate, as this is
the communication rate used by the YT-450 for controlling the radio.
The YT-450 monitors the
port for activity before beginning any tuning cycle.
Only when the CAT line is idle for a period of time will the YT-450 take over control of the
CAT line in order to perform a tuning cycle. When the tuning cycle is complete, control of the
CAT interface is returned to the PC.
This procedure is completely automatic, and is transparent to the user. Simply hook up a PC,
and use the rig control software as normal. Press the
button on the YT-450 when tuning is
desired. Some rig control software will detect that the radio is no longer communicating with the
PC during tuning. This is normal, and communications with the PC will resume once the tuning
cycle is complete.
The YT-450 must be powered-on in order for its pass-through CAT port to function.
Using Both Antenna Ports on the FT-950
The FT-950 radio comes with two antenna ports, selectable via the
ANT 1-2
button in the
upper left corner of the FT-950’s front panel. It is also possible to set up an “odd split” on the
radio where transmission is done on one antenna, and reception on the other. Simply choose
different antennas for VFO-A and VFO-B, and then enable split mode.
With a pair of YT-450 tuners, it is possible to use both antenna ports, and have one-button
pushbutton tuning for each antenna. This is possible via “daisy-chaining” the CAT ports on the
two YT-450 tuners. Just be sure to have the correct antenna selected on the radio when pushing
button on the YT-450 connected to that antenna port.