may be useful if you wish to compare antenna performance with and without the benefit of the
tuner’s matching network.
Initiate a Memory Tune Cycle:
To initiate a memory tuning cycle, press and hold the Tune button on the front of the YT-450
until the Status LED lights up. A memory tuning cycle will begin. The YT-450 will force the
transceiver into AM mode, change the power level to one that is appropriate for tuning, and key
the radio. When tuning is complete, the transceiver will return to the operating mode and power
level previously set.
You will notice that the radio toggles between VFO A and VFO B before and after a tuning
cycle. This is normal; the YT-450 is determining if the radio is operating in split mode, and
acting accordingly. The YT-450 will tune under all sorts of odd-split conditions, storing the
tuning memory information associated with the transmit frequency.
Be aware that the YT-450 tunes in
mode. The microphone input is live during tuning, so
anything you say will be heard on the air while tuning!