Status LED
Status LED
is used to indicate both modes of operation, tuning status, and error codes.
The following table lists the LED status codes and their meaning.
LED Indication
Status LED on.
Tuner is tuning.
Status LED goes out, then blinks once.
Tuner has completed a tuning cycle; a
good SWR match was found.
Status LED goes out, then blinks twice.
Tuning cycle is complete, tuning match is
between 1.5:1 and 3.0:1 SWR.
Status LED goes out, then blinks three
Tuning cycle is complete, tuning match is
greater than 3.0:1 SWR.
Status LED blinks 4 times.
Tuning cycle failed, RF was lost in the
middle of the tune.
Status LED blinks 5 times.
Tuning cycle failed, no RF was detected.
Status LED blinks continuously
Communication with radio failed.
Mobile Operation
The YT-450 is perfectly suited to mobile operation. It can be installed under the dashboard
along with the transceiver, or mounted remotely. The only requirement is that the tuner remains
The supplied radio interface cable is 14 inches long. If it is desired that the YT-450 is
positioned farther from the transceiver than this cable length allows, a custom cable will need to
be constructed. This can be accomplished in two ways: Cut the supplied cable and solder a
jumper wire between all the connections, or purchase new connectors and cable to construct a
custom-length interface cable from scratch.
The 9-pin CAT interface connector is Kobiconn part number 156-1309T-E, available from
/ as Mouser part number 156-1309T-E. Pinning for this cable is one-to-
one, straight through; all nine signals are used. Be sure to use a D-sub hood for the connector as
well; this protects against shorts and other damage to the connector.