Bei Benutzung als Kupplungsträger achten Sie auf korrekte Befestigung der
Die maximale Geschwindigkeit beträgt 130 Km/h
Für die ordnungsgemäße und sichere Montage die Montageanweisung genau befolgen.
Bei Unklarheiten in Hinblick auf diese Anweisungen den Händler oder direkt den Hersteller
um weitere Informationen bitten.
Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit und zur Sicherheit anderer, sollten Sie den Träger und die dazu
gehörende Ladung regelmäßig kontrollieren. (§ 23 der STVO)
Der Hersteller und der Händler haften nicht für Schäden an Sachen oder Personen
aufgrund einer unsachgemäßen Montage oder eines unsachgemäßen Gebrauchs
Art. No 11805
Bicycle transport on the tow bar
Dear customer,
you have made a good choice by buying the
Esch Profiboy Art. No 11805
This carrier on the draw bar is already pre-assembled. Before using the carrier you only
have to put the folded tubes in upright position, mount the frame holders, and screw the
special square-type tube to these supporting tubes (see the image “contents of package“).
This carrier consists nearly entirely of aluminium (which is resistant to corrosion). It can be
folded in to save space and it can also be converted into a carrier on the draw bar together
with the
Esch Basic Carrier Art. No 11806.
If you want to mount this carrier on the draw bar of your vehicle, always use the special set
of clips for the draw bar.
(See the image “contents of package“)
First remove the end caps from the C-rails, put in the sliding nuts and close the rails again
with the end caps. Now you can fix the carrier with the clips and the corresponding screws
onto the draw bar.
See to it that the steering is not restrained when you have mounted the carrier onto
the draw bar of your vehicle!
To mount the carrier onto the tow bar proceed in nearly the same way:
Take the set of clips for the basic carrier (see the image “contents of package“).
Insert the threaded bolts with the sliding sheets into the C-rails and fix them with the counter
plates and the corresponding knurled nuts to the Esch Basic Carrier!
Perhaps it will be necessary to change the clips for the frame holders (when you want to
mount bicycles with Y- or oversize frames) in order to allow for a firm mounting of the bicy-
cles (see the image “contents of package“).
After you have mounted your bicycles on the carrier, always fix the safety belt, as well (see
image no 1).
Under reserve of technical changes without notification.