10: Security Settings
XPort AR User Guide
Key Length
Select the bit size of the new self-signed certificate. Choices are:
512 bits
768 bits
1024 bits
The larger the bit size, the longer it takes to generate the key. Approximate
times are:
2 minutes for a 512-bit RSA key
5 minutes for a 768-bit RSA key
15 minutes for a 1024-bit RSA key
8 minutes for a 512-bit DSA key
20 minutes for a 768-bit DSA key
60 minutes for a 1024-bit DSA key
Select the type of key:
—Public-Key Cryptography algorithm based on large prime
numbers, invented by Rivest Shamir and Adleman. Used for encryption
and signing.
—Digital Signature Algorithm also based on large prime numbers,
but can only be used for signing. Developed by the US government to
avoid the patents on RSA.
Table 10-6 SSL Fields (continued)