Wireless - Equipment - 2.4 GHz - LP-1521 User Manual High Speed Long Range Wireless Broad Band Router, with PoE
IP Address
Fill in the IP address of LAN interfaces of this WLAN Access Point.
Subnet Mask
Fill in the subnet mask of LAN interfaces of this WLAN Access Point.
Default Gateway
Fill in the default gateway for LAN interfaces out going data packets.
Click to select
Disabled, Client
in different operation mode of wireless
Access Point.
DHCP Client Range
Fill in the start IP address and end IP address to allocate a range of IP addresses;
client with DHCP function set will be assigned an IP address from the range.
Show Client
Click to open the
Active DHCP Client Table
window that shows the active clients
with their assigned IP address, MAC address and time expired information.
mode only]
DNS Server
Manual setup DNS server IP address.
Domain Name
Assign Domain Name and dispatch to DHCP clients. It is optional field.
802.1d Spanning Tree
Select to enable or disable the IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree function from pull-down
Clone MAC Address
Fill in the MAC address that is the MAC address to be cloned. Refer to
4.24 What is
Clone MAC Address?
Apply Changes
Click the
Apply Changes
button to complete the new configuration setting.
Click the
button to abort change and recover the previous configuration setting.
WAN Interface Setup
This page is used to configure the parameters for wide
area network that connects to the WAN port of your
WLAN Broadband Router. Here you may change the
access method to
Static IP, DHCP, PPPoE
click the item value of
WAN Access Type
Static IP
Figure 23
Screen snapshot – WAN Interface Setup – Static IP