Laipac Technology Inc.
20 Mural Street, Unit 5, Richmond Hill Ontario L4B 1K3 Canada
Tel: 905-762-1228 | Fax: 905-763-1737 | E-mail:
Set up Sleep Mode
When device is under Sleep Mode, it will be waked up every 12 hours. During its wake-up time, it
will play the role as it is under its Normal Mode. For detail, refer to Appendix A section 3.2.
User can set up when he wants his LOLA to be waked up. For example, the setting here should
wake up the device in local time 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM everyday.
If user sets up his device on 10:00 AM and have device running, device will enter into Sleep Mode
after device start running immediately. The first wake-up and uploading report time is 8:00 PM on
the same day.
If user sets up his device on 10:00 PM and have device running, device will enter into Sleep Mode
immediately. The first wake-up and uploading report time is 8:00 AM on the next day morning.
In generally speaking, between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM, no matter when device is set up and starts
running, the choice should always be the one which is beyond and most close to the device’s start
running time.
Set up Asset Tracking Mode