Laipac Technology Inc.
20 Mural Street, Unit 5, Richmond Hill Ontario L4B 1K3 Canada
Tel: 905-762-1228 | Fax: 905-763-1737 | E-mail:
(4) It will bring a window below
Click utility software icon, either of them below, shown on desktop to run this utility
Icon for web-based utility
Icon for stand-alone utility
(5) Using Micro USB cable to connect LOLA to this computer and reset LOLA
(6) At this moment, in the “Device Manager” window, a new item, “Port
(COM&LPT)” will come out, if using mouse to click the icon, , on left of this
item, it will generate a item labeled as “Personal Tracer (COMX)”
(7) If user can see this item coming out and does not disappear, it means the requested
USB driver is installed successfully.
(8) If user is not able to see action described in step (6) and (7), or “Personal Tracer
(COMX)” comes out and disappear, he needs
• Disconnect device with his computer, then, reset his computer
• Re-do step (1) to (6) again by using the same USB port