Dake Corporation
1809 Industrial Park Dr
Grand Haven, MI 49417
1. Control handgrip
11. Vise
2. Blade tension handwheel
12. Vise adjustment screw
3. Transport handles
13. Base casting
4. Moveable blade guides
14. Vise quick release lever
5. Cutting bow casting
15. Emergency stop button
6. Blade
16. End of cut shut off switch
7. Motor
17. Cutting pressure plate
8. Control Box
18. Pressure plate adjustment pin
9. Swivel Support
19. Variable speed control
10. Stock stop assembly
The bandsaw is made up of two main parts: the machine body (5) complete with motor and
drive system (7) which is joined, by means of a swivel support (9), to the bottom section, made
up of a base (13) and vise (11).