LBXXXA Series USB Powe
Product Manual PMA (Power Meter Application)
Revision: 08/02/11
- 31 -
Offset Correction
Offsets can compensate for signal loss or gain in the measurement path outside the sensor. For example, the offset
function is helpful when an attenuator or amplifier is in front of the sensor. This offset is fixed and is not a function of
frequency. If you need an offset that is a function of frequency use the response correction tool.
(See Frequency
Response Correction further on in this section).
The following example uses an attenuator to demonstrate the offset
1. Connect the sensor and start the application.
2. Set the frequency of interest.
3. Connect the attenuator to the sensor. The power reading will decrease by the value of attenuation.
4. As shown below select
Offsets & Response > Offset
> Setup
and enter the attenuation value.
5. Enable the offset by activating the offset correction button
on the toolbar. Offset can also be enabled from
Offsets & Response
6. The displayed power will increase by the value entered and the OFS annunciator will activate on the bottom-left of
the display.