LBXXXA Series USB Powe
Product Manual PMA (Power Meter Application)
Revision: 08/02/11
- 16 -
Making a Pulse Power Measurement
Complete the following steps to make a typical pulse power measurement (LB4XXA models only):
1. Using a signal generator or other appropriate source, set the RF source for a pulse modulated output as indicated
Power Level:
0 dBm (1 mW)
CW Frequency:
1 GHz
10 kHz (or a PRI of 0.1 msec)
Pulse Modulation: 50% Duty Cycle (or a pulse width of 50 usec)
RF Power:
DO NOT 23dBm, 200mW, or 3.15VRMS. Refer to the specifications in the
product data sheet for maximum allowable limits by model number.
2. Setup the GUI to receive the RF source input as shown below including the power and frequency units. All
parameters shown can be disabled for this example except for Triggering (option 003), which should be set to
continuous and internal:
Select: Measurement > Pulse Power (or activate the Pulse button on the toolbar for LB4XXA models only)
Select: Measurement > Set Frequency
Enter: 1 GHz
Select: (Optional) Triggering > Internal > Continuous
The active display above indicates input Duty Cycle (DC); Peak power (Pk); Average power (Avg); and Crest
Factor (CrF) when in the Pulse Power mode. The larger reading indicates the pulse power. The default setup is the
automatic or 3 db points below peak power. This
“dB below peak” value can be changed by de-selecting automatic
and entering a different value if the specific pulse characteristics are known. Refer to the
“Pulse Measurement
“Pulse Peak Criteria”
sections of this manual under
Detailed Operating Instructions
for further
Crest Factor is otherwise known as PAR (Peak to Average power Ratio).