LBXXXA Series USB Powe
Product Manual PMA (Power Meter Application)
Revision: 08/02/11
- 15 -
Making an Average Power (CW) Measurement
Complete the following steps to make a typical CW measurement (all models):
1. Using a signal generator or other appropriate source, provide a signal source with the following parameters:
CW Frequency:
1 GHz
Power Level:
0 dBm (1 mW)
RF Power:
DO NOT 23dBm, 200mW, or 3.15VRMS. Refer to the specifications in the
product data sheet for maximum allowable limits by model number.
2. Setup the GUI to receive the RF source input as shown below including the power and frequency units. All
parameters shown can be disabled for this example except for Triggering (option 003), which can be set to
continuous and internal:
Select: Measurement > CW Power (or activate the CW button on the toolbar for LB4XXA models only). The
application is always in the CW mode for LB5XXA models so the button is not present.
Select: Measurement > Set Frequency
Enter: 1 GHz
Select: (Optional) Triggering > Continuous > Internal
3. Connect the sensor to the RF source and turn the RF power on.
4. The GUI display should now indicate approximately ~0 dBm at 1 GHz.
5. Vary the source power to see if the GUI display tracks the source power.