Mac Users
You may customize the storage device by reformatting and/or partitioning it with separate file system formats.
For optimal performance in Mac OS environments, format and partition the storage device as one large Mac OS
Extended volume.
Mac OS Extended (HFS+):
Mac OS Extended refers to the file system used by Mac OS X. HFS+ represents an
optimization of the older HFS file system by using hard disk space more efficiently. With HFS+, you are no
longer limited by block size.
MS-DOS File System (FAT 32):
This is the Microsoft file system, more typically known as FAT 32. Use FAT 32
if you are going to be sharing your LaCie storage device between Mac and Window computers.
See the table below for a comparison between HFS+ and FAT 32 (MS-DOS).
Mac File System Formats
Use HFS+ if:
…you will be using the storage device on Macs only. Performance will be enhances when compared to FAT 32.
HFS+ is NOT compatible with Windows OS.
Use FAT32 if:
…you will be using your storage device with both Windows and Mac computers. Maximum single file size is
limited to 4GB.