LaCie blue eye pro
Calibrating Other Monitors
User Manual
page 39
6.3. Controlling the Calibration of
Your Monitor
6.3.1. Calibration Report
Now that your monitor has been calibrated, you can run a test to
verify the quality of the calibration. The LaCie blue eye pro soft-
ware will measure the quality of the color correction performed
by the ICC profile you have built. The process is the same as
described in section
5.3. Controlling Calibration of Your LaCie
300/500/700 Series Monitor
6.3.2. Test And Report
In the main window of your application you also have the oppor-
tunity to test your monitor’s current settings for Gamma, White
Point and Luminance. To do this, simply click on the
Test & Re-
button and the following window will prompt you to place
the LaCie blue eye colorimeter onto your monitor. The applica-
tion will display a sampling of colors to determine the current
values of your monitor’s Gamma, White Point and Luminance.
At the end of the process, the blue eye software will display a
chromaticity diagram of your monitor and lists your monitor’s
current settings for Gamma, White Point and Luminance. Based
on this information you can easily decide if it is necessary to
recalibrate your monitor or, if the current monitor state is sat-
isfactory, simply continue working with the monitor as is. To go
into the calibration process, press the Calibration button. If you
are satisfied with the current monitor state, you can exit the ap-
plication by clicking the Quit button.