LaCie blue eye pro
Color Management
User Manual
page 11
Monitor Calibration
The calibration process allows the professional to influence the
range of colors displayed. The main settings that influence the
range of colors displayed are the following:
Gamma Curve
(a) determines the characteristics of the ab-
solute colors associated with all the RGB values between the
white point and the black point. It expresses the intensity of the
light emitted by each of the RGB dots for each of the intermedi-
ary values between 0 and 255. The shape of the gamma curve
in particular determines the level of detail and contrast that are
displayed on the monitor. A practical way of describing this curve
is through the use of a numerical value that describes its slope.
White Point
(b), i.e. the characteristics of the color dis-
played by the RGB value: R=255, G=255, B=255. These
characteristics are often summarized with the term White Point
Temperature, because scientists have developed a model where
a given body brought to a certain temperature emits light of
a given color. This temperature is expressed in degrees Kelvin
(°K). Common White Point Temperature settings in the pre-press
workflow are 5000 K and 6500 K. To influence White Point
Temperature, it is necessary to adjust the respective intensities
(also called gains) of red, green and blue light that are emitted
by the RGB value of (255, 255,255).
(c) controls the overall brightness of the moni-
With the LaCie blue eye pro, you can fine-tune all of these fac-
tors and target the Brightness, Gamma and White Point Tem-
perature settings of your choice. The sensor that is included is an
advanced device that measures the light emitted by your monitor
and expresses it in absolute colorimetric terms.