LaCie blue eye pro
Calibrating LaCie 300/500/700 Series Monitors
User Manual
page 22
5.3.2. UGRA Display Analysis &
Certification Tool Report
If you selected the UDACT test when running Test and Report,
the report will show how well the monitor’s calibration and pro-
filing state matches UGRA’s recommendations for softproofing
with the following workflows and gamuts:
ISO coated / Gravure (offset printing with coated paper)
ISO uncoated (offset - uncoated paper)
ISO newspaper (for newsprint)
Multicolor/Highbody (future workflows).
UGRA’s recommendations are the following:
White Point : max 2DeltaE*
Gray Balance: max 1 DeltaC* average and max 2 DeltaC*
range with 95% tonal range
Profile Quality: max 3 DeltaE* average and 6 DeltaE* peak
Gamut (MK): max 4 Delta E* average and 90% volume
(98% in the case of HighColor)
Passing the test requires respecting all four criteria simultane-
ously. Please note that a failed test can simply mean the display’s
calibration settings are not in line with those recommended by
UGRA (please refer to the Settings section of this manual for
further information). Also it may be required to recalibrate the
display to exceed the above thresholds and obtain certification.
The following delta-values are calculated with the
DeltaE*ab (76) method.