Mars-Mars PRO
User Manual
Code No. 9.900.900.710
U:\QA\Manualer\Arkiv\Manuals- Labogene-Origio-GKO\Manualer-WORD\ScanLaf\Mars Mars Pro manual-UK - rev. 06.doc
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8.2 Air velocity in inlet and exhaust opening
The inflow is measured with a suitable volumetric measuring device.
The measuring can take place directly in the opening or directly at the exhaust filter.
Cover the front opening with a plate and seal it so only an opening for the measuring device, i.e.
Balometer, is free.
Measure the volumetric flow and calculate it into velocity in m/s, and record the result.
Formula for the calculation: X m
/h / (3600s/h x aperture in m
) = Y m/s.
Air velocity in inlet = 0.45 ±10% m/s, = 390 m
/h (Mars 1200/Mars PRO), 590 (Mars 1800).
The fan speed settings are to be recorded.
The alarm for inflow velocity is set to 0.4 m/sec = 345 m
/h (Mars 1200/ Mars PRO), 518 m
/h (Mars
1800), and the matching alarm level setting is recorded.
8.3 Airflow patterns, visualization
The purpose of the test is to verify that no smoke escapes from the working space to the room, and
that smoke will be drawn into the working space from the room.
Smoke stick, i.e. Dräger, Air Current Tube
Move the smoke stick in a steady movement along the front opening outside the cabinet. The smoke
must be drawn into the cabinet without visible turbulence.
Test the laminarity of the downflow and along the side- and back wall. No smoke must come out in
the room and only small turbulence must be observed.