the My Documents folder and open the HeavyWeather folder. All
history.dat files are stored in the History folder.
: Downloading the history to the computer does not
remove it from the display unit. The display unit will keep all
data and overwrite the older data over time.
: You can also create a new history file by using the
application menu options. Go to Extras, options, and click
the square button at the end of Recording History file. Type
a new filename and click ok.
Smaller files are easier to manage and less prone to
risk; therefore most users make a new history.dat file on
some convenient regular basis (e.g. annually).
Exporting the Heavy Weather data file to MS Excel.
To import into Excel:
In Heavy Weather Pro, Double-click the history file name that you wish to
export, from the left hand column. (If you do not have a list in the left, click
View, History Files).
Go to FILE and select EXPORT AS TEXT. Create a file name in the pop
up box. Please note the location of this file. Ex. C:\Program
Open Excel. Select File, Open. When the open box appears, on the
bottom under FILES OF TYPE select TEXT FILES.
On the top where it says LOOK IN, select the file location. Ex. C:\Program
With the Heavy Weather folder open, you should see the text file you just
created (January).
Select that file and a 3-step Wizard will appear. On the first screen
choose DELIMITED. Then select ‘Next’.
On the second screen under Delimiters select SEMICOLON.
Click ‘Next’, and the last box will appear. No need to change anything
unless you would like the date formatted differently. Click finish. Your data
should appear in Excel. You may need to adjust the cell width.