Outdoor temperature
32ºF (low)
104ºF (high)
Indoor humidity alarm
35%RH (low)
65%RH (high)
Outdoor humidity alarm
45%RH (low)
70%RH (high)
Wind chill alarm
50ºF (low)
86ºF (high)
Dew point alarm
32ºF (low)
68ºC (high)
Rainfall 24h alarm
1.96 inches
Rainfall 1h alarm
0.03 inches
Wind Speed
1.0 mph (low)
62 mph (high)
Wind direction alarm
None set
Time & Date (LCD Section 1)
If the WWVB icon (icon 2) is ON and not flashing, it means that the
WWVB radio-controlled time and date are has been received. Press
the PLUS (+) key to change the format of date display between
date/month/year, weekday/date/month, seconds, alarm set time and
time zone.
All alarm default values are deactivated at the start up and any alarm
must be activated by the user otherwise it will not sound.
Weather forecasting (LCD Section 1)
Function Description of the Weather Station
The three weather icons Sunny, Cloudy and Rainy represent the
weather forecasting. There are also two weather tendency indicators
to show the air pressure tendency either side of the weather icons.
After setting up, the following data will be displayed in different
sections on the LCD. If this is not the case please observe the notes
on “
” below.
Notes to hPa sensitivity setting for weather forecasting:
The hPa (Hekto-Pascal) pressure sensitivity can be set to suit the
user’s requirement for weather forecasting from 6 inHg, 9 inHg to 12
inHg (see
Basic Programming
below). For areas that experience
frequent changes in air pressure (which does not necessarily reflect a
change in the weather) requires a higher inHg setting compared to an
area where the air pressure is stagnant. For example if 6 inHg is
selected, then there must be a fall or rise in air pressure of at least 6
inHg before the weather station will register this as a change in
Air Pressure (LCD Section 1)
The air pressure reading is displayed here. Press the PRESSURE
key to toggle between relative and absolute air pressure displays.
Notes to Absolute and Relative Air Pressure:
LCD Section 3:
Wind direction, wind speed, and
respective alarms sections
LCD Section 2
Indoor and outdoor temperature and
relative humidity, wind chill, dew
point, rainfall, and respective alarms
LCD Section 1:
Time, date, seconds, time zone,
weather forecasting icons with
tendency arrows, air pressure,
and respective alarms sections