Il est interdit de trancher des matériaux tels que le bois, le plastique, les
pavés, les briques, les pierres, le verre, les métaux, le cuir, le carton, les
tissus, les os, etc.
Trancher des aliments contenant trop de liquide peut endommager le
Lorsque la trancheuse n'est pas en marche, le bouton de réglage d'épaisseur
doit être tourné à fond dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre pour que la
plaque de mesure recouvre le bord de la lame.
Turn the thickness adjustment control fully clockwise so the gauge plate closed
Lift the food pusher up.
Place the product to be sliced on the product tray.
Place the vertical clamp on top of the product to be sliced and secure the product with
the horizontal clamps.
Adjust the gauge plate to obtain the desired slice thickness by turning the thickness
adjustment control.
Adjust the rear mounted thickness stop until it touches the back of gauge plate for
maximum support during slicing.
The unit can be operated in either manual or fully automatic mode.
To operate the machine manually, pull the gear shift handle out then turn to
right. Only turn the top power switch to on “I”. Use the product tray handle to
move the product tray back and forth to begin slicing.
To operate the machine automatically, pull the gear shift handle out and turn to
left, then push to product tray back and forth until you hear a click noise. Turn
both the top and bottom power switch to on “I” to begin operation.
Collect product slices at the back of the machine.
TIPS: Slightly freeze cheese before slicing to achieve optimal slicing result.
NOTE: Spare parts are available in KitchenWare Station official website.
Video tutorial can be obtained from KitchenWare Station customer service team via E-mail