Chapter 6 - TV Measuring Range
10713 Vxx.11
Remote supply
The measuring receiver can provide a remote power supply via the RF input socket for an active
receiving antenna (see also chapter 9.9 - Remote supply).
Level measurement
After the measuring receiver is tuned, the automatic attenuation control and level measurement
starts. The level measured is indicated on the right side of the display in dBµV with 0.1 dB
The measuring range spans from 20 to 120 dBµV. The measuring bandwidth is adjusted to the
channel bandwidth of the signal measured. The measurement repetition rate is approx. 3 Hz.
Acoustic level trend
If when lining up an antenna, for example, no line of sight exists to the measuring instrument, you
can switch on an acoustic level trend signal. A sound signal is emitted from the loudspeaker. Its
frequency changes in proportion to the measured level. When the level increases, the frequency
goes up and vice versa.
The sound signal can be switched on and off via the menu item
When the sound signal is switched on, the menu item is displayed inverted.
Level measurement with DVB-C or DOCSIS
With DVB-C and DOCSIS, the spectra of the signals have characteristics similar to noise.
The signal energy is spread over the entire channel bandwidth. The measuring receiver uses its
measuring bandwidth to measure the level in the channel center and extrapolates the channel
bandwidth using the bandwidth formula.
The measuring bandwidth is adjusted to the current channel bandwidth.
Level measurement with analog TV (ATV)
With ATV, the peak value of the video carrier is measured. This coincides in time with the line sync
The level of the currently set sound carrier (see above) is measured and displayed relative to the
video carrier level (e.g. –13.0 dB).