VHD5 Rigging Manual ·
Care and Maintenance
Care and Maintenance
All KV2 Audio equipment that is designed to be flown or suspended has undergone thorough testing and is
certified to be used safely, according to the published user guides and manuals.
All equipment should be regularly checked for any visible damage to chains, slings, shackles, and all working parts
of the flying systems.
If any damage at all is detected or there is a suspicion that any part of the system may not be operating safely or
correctly, it must immediately be removed from service and either repaired and recertified, or safely disposed of.
Under no circumstances should any equipment be used if there is any obvious sign of damage.
Doing so can cause injury or death, and will immediately void the warranty of that part and any equipment
attached to it.
We recommend performing the following checks once a year:
- Test flybar pan & tilt control, and compare it with the other system flybars.
- Check and tighten all screws.
- Grease the threaded rod with Vaseline A00.
- Clean and check all Push Pins.
- Check and tighten all screws.
- Perform a listening comparison test.
- Clean and check all connectors for correct operation.
- Clean and check Rigging Bars for correct operation.
- Clean the front panel air filters.
- Clean and check all connectors for correct operation.
- Test flybar remote controls for correct operation.
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