Descriptions of Parameters
Program Editor Parameters
The LFO Menu: Rotor Effects Parameters
The rotor effects simulate the popular Leslie rotating speaker that has become a standard
addition to the B-3 organ. KB3 programs all use rotor effects. You can add rotor effects to other
programs by saving one of the KB3 effects to those programs.
The rotor effects have two pairs of parameters. Each is responsible for emulating the two
speakers (high and low frequencies) that make up the original Leslie rotating speaker.
Rotor Effects Low Rate
Oscillation cycles per second (Hz) for the low rotor. Negative values reverse the phase without
changing the rate.
Rotor Effects Low Adjust
The amount of change in the rate of the low rotor when you switch the rotor’s speed control
from fast to slow or vice versa. When you’re in KB3 mode, you can use the
Rotary Fast/Slow
button to switch rotor speed. You can also send a MIDI Controller 68 message from your MIDI
source (values of 64 and above switch to fast, and values below 64 switch to slow).
Rotor Effects High Rate
Oscillation cycles per second for the high rotor. Negative values reverse the phase without
changing the rate.
Rotor Effects High Adjust
The amount of change in the rate of the high rotor when you switch the rotor’s speed control
from fast to slow or vice versa. When you’re in KB3 mode, you can use the
Rotary Fast/Slow
button to switch rotor speed. You can also send a MIDI Controller 68 message from your MIDI
source (values of 64 and above switch to fast, and values below 64 switch to slow).
The Store Menu
This menu appears in all the editors, and includes functions for storing, naming, dumping (via
SysEx), and deleting programs (in the Program and KB3 Editors), setups (in the Setup Editor),
and effects (in the Program and KB3 Editors).
Naming and Storing
on page 4-3 and
Other Save-Dialog Functions
on page 4-4 for more
information about the functions in the Store menu.