Kurzweil PC2R Musician’s Guide
MIDI Xmit 3-21, 5-11
Program 5-12
Store 5-5
Timbre 4-12, 5-2
Transpose 4-7, 5-15
Velocity 5-16
MIDI 2-3, 4-35
configurations 2-4
Controller messages 3-14
Controller messages for front-panel knobs B-11
Controllers, list of B-10
implementation chart B-21
recording System Exclusive (SysEx) messages 5-41
System Exclusive (SysEx) messages 5-41
thru 2-4
MIDI 0 and 32 4-36
MIDI Receive
button 3-11
MIDI Receive mode 3-16, 4-35
MIDI Setups
button 3-11
MIDI Setups mode 3-2, 3-7, 3-21
MIDI slave 4-39
MIDI Xmit menu 3-21, 5-11
MIDIScope 4-40
modes 3-4
editing 4-2
Effects edit 3-3
Internal Voices 3-2, 3-5
KB3 3-2, 3-5
MIDI Receive 4-35
MIDI Setups 3-2, 3-7
performance 3-2
Modes region 3-11
monaural audio output (mono) 4-31
multiple instruments 4-35
multiple-use controllers 4-22
multi-track recording 4-40
muted zones 3-22
muting and soloing 4-13
muting zones 3-21
naming objects 4-3
navigation 4-2, 4-6
button 3-10
deleting 4-4
dumping (SysEx) 4-5, 4-11
loading (SysEx) 4-5
naming 4-3
saving (storing) 4-3
offset 4-23
options 1-2
options, installing A-6
output, analog B-3
output, digital B-3
panic 3-12
parallel parameter selection 4-6
parameters 4-2
parameters: reference list B-4
pasting 4-9
pasting effects 4-11
front panel 3-4
sounds 1-1
percussion parameters 4-15, 5-9
percussion pitch parameters 5-10
performance features 3-1
performance modes 3-2
Performance region 3-7
physical controllers 1-1, 3-14
physical specifications B-1
playing your PC2R 3-1
polyphony 1-1
polyphony expansion 1-2
power cable 2-2
power consumption B-2
powering up 2-4
preset drawbars 4-32
pressure, with arpeggiator 4-34
program changes 4-39
program controller assignments ??–C-32
Program Editor 4-12
Program menu 5-12
program organization 3-12
program structure 4-12
program-change messages 4-36, 4-38
programming (editing) 4-1
changing 4-38
overview 1-1
selecting 3-13
programs, list of C-2, C-3
protecting the PC2R’s memory A-1
quick layers and splits 3-19
recording button presses 5-41
recording on multiple tracks 4-40
release 5-3
reloading from a SysEx dump 4-5
remote setup selection 4-25
replacing the battery 2-5, A-1
resetting the PC2R A-6
restoring factory effects 4-4
ribbon controllers 5-22
ROM, installing A-6
rotor effects 5-5
routing, effects 3-16
rubber feet 2-1
running diagnostics A-7