Descriptions of Parameters
Setup Editor Parameters
Sets the number of repetitions for each count of the internal clock. This parameter provides an
easy way to change arpeggio tempo in regular intervals. There are seven possible values:
Initial Tempo
The starting tempo of the arpeggiation, and the basis for the divisions created via the value of
the Beats parameter. Any physical controller assigned to send MIDI Tempo message can control
the arpeggiator tempo in real time.
The value for this parameter is relevant only if the value for the Clock parameter in the Global
menu has a value of
. If the value of Clock is
, the arpeggiator follows the tempo
of MIDI Clock signals (if any) received at the PC2R’s MIDI In port. If no external Clock signal is
received, notes in the arpeggiator region do not play at all.
How long each arpeggiated note lasts.
is legato—no breaks between notes. The lower the
value, the more staccato the arpeggiation.
Velocity Mode (Vel Mode)
Determines how the attack velocity of latched notes affects the volume of arpeggiated notes.
There are five possible values:
All arpeggiated notes play at the same attack-velocity level, determined by the Fixed Vel
Each arpeggiated note plays at the attack-velocity level of its original latched note.
All arpeggiated notes play at the attack-velocity level of the most recently-latched note.
4th notes
One note per clock beat
8th notes
Two notes per beat
8th trips
Three notes per beat
16th notes
Four notes per beat
16th trips
Six notes per beat
32nd notes
Eight notes per beat
32nd trips
Twelve notes per beat