FXAlg #963: AutoPanner
Algorithm Reference-165
FXAlg #963: AutoPanner
A stereo auto-panner
Allocation Units:
"AutoPanner" is a 1-PAU stereo auto pan effect. The process of panning a stereo image consists of shrinking the
image width of the input program then cyclically moving this smaller image from side to side while maintaining
relative distances between program point sources. This effect provides six different LFO shapes (see the previous
section of this book, FXAlgs #961-962), variable center attenuation, and a rate scaler that scales LFO rate into the
audible range for a new flavor of amplitude modulation effects.
Final image placement can be monitored on the lower right of the PARAM2 page. The top meter labeled ÒLÓ shows
the left edge of the image while the second meter labeled ÒRÓ shows the right edge. The entire image will fall
between these two marks.
Concept of stereo autopanning with ImageWidth set to 50%, LFO Shape set to Sine,
Origin set to 0%, and PanWidth set to 100%