FXAlg #905: EQ Morpher ¥ FXAlg #906: Mono EQ Morpher
Algorithm Reference-123
FXAlg #905: EQ Morpher ¥
FXAlg #906: Mono EQ Morpher
Parallel resonant bandpass filters with parameter morphing
Allocation Units:
4 for EQ Morpher, 2 for Mono EQ Morpher
The EQ Morpher algorithms have four parallel bandpass filters acting on the input signal, whose results are
summed for the final output. EQ Morpher is a stereo algorithm for which the left and right channels receive separate
processing using the same linked controls. Mono EQ Morpher sums the input left and right channels into a mono
signal, so there is only one channel of processing. Both algorithms have output panning. In EQ Morpher, a stereo
panner like that on the KDFX Studio INPUT pages is used, which includes a width parameter to control the width
of the stereo field. Mono EQ Morph uses a standard mono panner for positioning the mono signal between the left
and right speakers.
Mono EQ Morpher (EQ Morpher is similar)
For each filter, there are two sets of parameters, A and B. The parameter Morph A>B determines which parameter
set is active. When Morph A>B is set to 0%, you are hearing the A parameters; when set to 100%, you are hearing
the B parameters. The filters may be gradually moved from A to B and back again by moving the Morph A>B
parameter between 0 and 100%.
The four filters are parametric bandpass filters. These are not the usual parametric filters you are familiar with.
Normal parametric filters boost or cut the signal at the frequency you specify relative to the signal at other
frequencies. The bandpass filters used here pass only signals at the frequency you specify and cut all other
frequencies. The gain controls set the levels of each filterÕs output. Like the normal parametric filters, you have
control of the filtersÕ frequencies and bandwidths. The Freq Scale parameters may be used to adjust the A or B filtersÕ
frequencies as a group. This allows you to maintain a constant spectral relationship between your filters while
adjusting the frequencies up and down. The filters are arranged in parallel and their outputs summed, so the
bandpass peaks are added together and the multiple resonances are audible.
L Input
R Input
Out Gain
L Output
R Output
EQ Gain
EQ Gain
EQ Gain
EQ Gain