Tube Amp/Distortion/Delay Combinations
Algorithm Reference-104
PAGE 4 (Chorus algs)
PAGE 4 (Flange algs)
Toggles the entire effect on or off. When off, the input signal is passed.
Input Bal
Adjusts the ratio of left and right algorithm inputs to be summed into the monaural
signal that is processed by the effect. 0% blends equal amount of left and right. Negative
values blend increasing amounts of left, while positive values blend increasing amounts
of right.
Out Gain
The overall gain or amplitude at the output of the effect.
Bass Tone, Mid Tone, Treb Tone Adjusts the 3 bands of the tone control integrated with the distortion drive circuit.
Flattest response is obtained by setting Mid Tone to 10.0, and both Bass Tone and Treb
Tone to 0.0.
Tube Drive, Poly Drive
Adjusts the gain into each distortion circuit. Higher values produce more distortion.
Adjusts a 1-pole (6dB/oct) lopass Þlter applied after distortion.
Cab In/Out
Turns the cabinet simulator on or off.
Cab Preset
Selects the preset cabinet type.
Cab Pan
Adjusts the output pan position of the cabinet simulator signal that is mixed at the
output of the algorithm. Note that when Ch Wet/Dry or Fl Wet/Dry is set to 100%, no
signal from the cabinet is mixed directly to the output, so this parameter has no affect.
MD Insert
Selects where in the signal chain the moving delay is to be. PreDist places it before the
distortion and tone circuit. PostDist places it between the distortion circuit and cabinet
simulator, and Bypass takes it completely out of the path.
MD Wet/Dry
Adjusts the ratio of the moving delay output mixed with its own input to be fed to the
next effect in the chain.
MD Insert
Post Dist, ...
MD Delay
0.0 to 1000.0 ms
MD Wet/Dry
0 to 100%
Flange, ...
0.00 to 10.00 Hz
0.0 to 200.0%
MD Fdbk
-100 to 100%
Ch Rate L
0.01 to 10.00 Hz
Ch Rate R
0.01 to 10.00 Hz
Ch Depth L
0.0 to 100.0 cts
Ch Depth R
0.0 to 100.0 cts
Ch Delay L
0 to 720 ms
Ch Delay R
0 to 720 ms
Ch Fdbk L
-100 to 100%
Ch Fdbk R
-100 to 100%
Ch PtchEnv
Triangle or Trapzoid
0 to 100%
Ch Out Bal
-100 to 100%
Fl Rate
0 to 32 bts
Fl Tempo
System; 1 to 255 BPM
Fl Xcurs L
0 to 230 ms
Fl Xcurs R
0 to 230 ms
Fl Delay L
0 to 230 ms
Fl Delay R
0 to 230 ms
Fl Fdbk L
-100 to 100%
Fl Fdbk R
-100 to 100%
Fl Phase L
0 to 360 deg
Fl Phase R
0 to 360 deg
Fl Wet/Dry
0 to 100%
Fl Out Bal
-100 to 100%