Assembly and Installation Instructions for
Tandem Seat Slide Models 74001, 74002, 74003
Form 12.507
Read instructions thoroughly before starting assembly and
Because of the wide variety of possible installations, mounting
hardware is not supplied.
Recommended fasteners should be
#14 or #16 stainless steel wood screws long enough to
penetrate approximately 3/4 to 7/8 of the thickness of the
seat substrate but not long enough to protrude through it as
they may cause injury if sat upon.
Refer to Fig. 1
1. Remove slide rails and cross bar from packaging. Remove
1 screw from each end of the cross bar.
2. Install the cross bar between the release handles of the
slide rails by placing one rubber washer on both sides of
each handle, aligning the holes and inserting a screw to
fasten into the ends of the cross bar.
Do not over tighten as
the rubber must flex to allow for movement of the cross
Refer to Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
1. Turn the seat upside down to expose the seat bottom; center
seat slide rails left-to-right and front-to-back. For models
74002 and 74003 determine which side is preferred for
the release handle and then set the rails approximately 4"
in from each side of the seat. Use a tape measure to assure
that the rails are parallel to each other.
This is critical to the
operation of the sliding action.
Mark 3 or 4 holes in each
rail, depending on model of unit being installed, onto the
seat bottom.
2. Drill 6 or 8 pilot holes, depending on model of unit being
installed, of suitable size for the screws to be used. Fasten
rails to seat bottom finger tight.
Measure between the rails
front and back to assure the rails are parallel before final
tightening of the screws. Record this measurement for
later reference.
3. Set the slide adjustment to the middle setting so there is
equal upper slide extrusion extending from either end of
the lower slide extrusion. Turn the seat right side up.
4. Determine the desired location for mounting the seat. If the
surface is covered in carpeting, place a piece of cardboard
or poster board over the area and secure with tape.
Position the seat in the desired location, keeping in mind
the seat will slide approximately 3” fore and aft. Mark the
4 outside comers of the lower slide extrusions on the
cardboard. Remove the seat and turn it upside down.
Write for
a Complete
FIG. 2
FIG. 1