FXAlg #911: Mono LaserVerb ¥ FXAlg #912: LaserVerb Lite ¥ FXAlg #913: LaserVerb
Algorithm Reference-138
Fdbk Lvl
The percentage of the reverb output to feed back or return to the reverb input. Turning
up the feedback is a way to stretch out the duration of the reverb, or, if the reverb is set to
behave as a delay, to repeat the delay. The higher feedback is set, the longer the decay or
echo will last.
LaserVerb & LaserVerb Lite are stereo effects. The cross-coupling control lets you send
the sum of the input and feedback from one channel to its own LaserVerb effect (0%
cross coupling) or to the other channelÕs effect (100% cross coupling) or somewhere in
between. This control is not available in Mono LaserVerb.
HF Damping
The damping of high frequencies relative to low frequencies. When set to the highest
frequency (25088 Hz), there is no damping and all frequencies decay at the same rate. At
lower frequency settings, high frequency signal components will decay faster than low
frequency components. If set too low, everything will decay almost immediately.
The Pan control is available in the Mono LaserVerb. The left and right inputs get
summed to mono, the mono signal passes through the LaserVerb, and the Þnal mono
output is panned to the left and right outputs. Panning ranges from -100% (fully left),
through 0% (centered), through to 100% (fully right).
Dly Coarse
You can set the overall delay length from 0 to 2 seconds (3 PAU) or 0 to 1.3 seconds (2
PAU). Lengthening the delay will increase the duration or decay time of the reverb. To
reduce LaserVerb to a simple delay, set the Contour and Feedback controls to 0. Use a
delay of about half a second as a starting point.
Dly Fine
The delay Þne adjust is added to the delay coarse adjust to provide a delay resolution
down to 0.1 ms.
Determines the starting pitch of the descending buzz and how fast it descends. The
Spacing parameter sets the initial separation of impulses in the impulse response and
subsequent rate of increasing impulse separation. The spacing between impulses is
given in samples and may be a fraction of a sample. (A sample is the time between
successive digital words which is 20.8
s or 1/48000 seconds.) For low values, the buzz
starts at high frequencies and drops slowly. At high values the buzz starts at a lower
pitch and drops rapidly.
Controls the overall envelope shape of the reverb. When set to a high value, sounds
passed through the reverb start at a high level and slowly decay. As the control value is
reduced, it takes some time for the effect to build up before decaying. At a value of
around 34, the reverb is behaving like a reverse reverb, building up to a hit. When the
Contour is set to zero, LaserVerb is reduced to a simple delay.