FXAlg #953: Compress w/SC EQ
Algorithm Reference-146
The amount of boost or cut that the side chain bass shelving Þlter should apply to the
low frequency signals in dB. Every increase of 6 dB approximately doubles the
amplitude of the signal. Positive values boost the bass signal below the speciÞed
frequency. Negative values cut the bass signal below the speciÞed frequency.
The center frequency of the side chain bass shelving Þlter in intervals of one semitone.
The amount of boost or cut that the side chain treble shelving Þlter should apply to the
high frequency signals in dB. Every increase of 6 dB approximately doubles the
amplitude of the signal. Positive values boost the treble signal above the speciÞed
frequency. Negative values cut the treble signal above the speciÞed frequency.
The center frequency of the side chain treble shelving Þlters in intervals of one semitone.
The amount of boost or cut that the side chain parametric mid Þlter should apply in dB
to the speciÞed frequency band. Every increase of 6 dB approximately doubles the
amplitude of the signal. Positive values boost the signal at the speciÞed frequency.
Negative values cut the signal at the speciÞed frequency.
The center frequency of the side chain parametric mid Þlter in intervals of one semitone.
The boost or cut will be at a maximum at this frequency.
The bandwidth of the side chain parametric mid Þlter may be adjusted. You specify the
bandwidth in octaves. Small values result in a very narrow Þlter response. Large values
result in a very broad response.