NOVAR 2100/2200 Operating Manual
1. General
The NOVAR 2100 and NOVAR 2200 are simple single-phase power factor controllers with fully
automated commissioning.
The NOVAR 2100 model has only one common auxiliary power voltage and measuring voltage
terminal pair. The NOVAR 2200 model has these voltages terminal pairs separated. Due this,
measuring voltage of higher range can be connected to the NOVAR 2200 model. Excluding this, both
of models are identical.
For on-line monitoring, the controllers can be provided with remote communication interface.
1.1 Common features
Power Factor Control
up to 24 output sections, relay or solid-state
controller’s speed of response independently programmable for conditions of
undercompensation and overcompensation
the preset speed of response increases in proportion to instantaneous control deviation, that
is either with the value squared or in direct proportion to the ratio of the control deviation to
the smallest section value (O
adjustable control range to reduce the number of control interventions in systems with a wide
control range at high loads
combined mains compensation & decompensation capability
selectable two-rate operation controlled with active power level or external signal (optional
automatic output section recognition, any combination of the output sections possible
continuously checks output sections in the control process. When failure is detected
repeatedly, disables the faulty section and possibly actuates alarm.
periodically rechecks the temporarily disabled sections and on positive test result (for example
when replacing a section’s burnt fuse link), it enables them again automatically
wide assortment of independently settable alarm’s warning and actuation functions
( undervoltage, overvoltage, undercurrent, overcurrent, THDU limit overflow and more )
Measurement & Evaluation
both line-to neutral and line-to-line voltage can be connected
current input for xxx/ 5A or xxx /1A CTs connection
sampling rate 128/96 samples/period, 10/12 periods evaluation cycle (200 ms at 50/60 Hz)
continuous ( gap-less) measurement of voltage and current
evaluation of harmonic components up to 40
fixed window / floating window / thermal average values of all evaluated quantities with
minimum & maximum values registration
built-in electricity meter :
four-quadrant electricity meter
maximum of average active power value ( power demand )
built-in thermometer