Holiday Setting
For appending holidays in the year.
Click [ADD NEW].
Select Date and enter description(holiday name) and click [SAVE].
For browsing, modifying and generating departments.
1. Click [Department] in the left menu to browse the current departments list.
2. Click the Department ID directly to get the detail→enter a new Department ID→click [save] to confirm or [Cancel]
to abort.
3. Click [Add New]→enter Department ID→enter Department Name→click [save] to confirm or [Cancel] to abort.
For browsing/modifying/deleting/adding users(employees).
1. Click [User] in the left menu to browse current users.
2. Click on User ID directly for modifying details of or deleting the user.
3. Click [Add New] to enroll a new user. Enter User ID→enter User Name→assign a department for the user→enter the
Card No. if a proximity card will be used
(for those users who are using Fingerprints only please also enter virtual Card
No. ie. 0001, 0002, 0003, etc.)
→click [save] to confirm or [Cancel] to abort.
Notice: All enrolled users will have door access right if PX2500 is applied for door control.