Delete all records in the selected date range.
Delete all records .
Enable/disable internal database auto backup every time you perform data deletion.
Job Code Setting
For defining reasons of punches(only valid in Time Attendance mode under which each user may enter a code from 1~9
before scanning a card or fingerprint).
Click [Job Code Setting] in the left menu.
Click ADD NEW to enter the setting page.
Enter a Job Code and its status definition and click Save.
Set Bell Schedule
For programming 50 sets of bell activation schedule.
1. Click on [Bell Schedule] in the left menu to enter the bell schedule list.
2. Click on the [Bell Schedule No.] to enter the setting page.
3. Tick the [Enabled] check box, fill out the [Ring Time] and [Duration], and set the [Weekly Schedule].
4. Click [Save] to confirm change or [Cancel] to abort.