Enable or disable the Leave Setting function
(this function is not ready yet. It’s to be formally announced soon)
Set the storage roof of Default Database(currently used by system) to maintain high system efficiency.
Soft Limit: system will emit a reminder when records accumulate to the soft limit.
Hard Limit: system will force user to run [Transactions Delete] when records accumulate to the hard limit.
Clone Database(Internal database backup)
Backup database in PX2500’s own memory(Micro SD card). [Clone Database] can be taken any time you feel
necessary or every time before you run [Transactions Delete]. You may also switch to use an older Clone Database for
browsing earlier data or generating earlier attendance reports any time.
System Setting - Late/Absence E-mail Notice
E-mailing system administrator an employee Late/Absence report after 30 minutes since assigned work shifts start
every day.
Make sure you have assigned a valid e-mail account for the system supervisor:
Click to enter [System Setting]
→ [Late/Absence e-mail notice] → enable Daily Transaction