Attendance Report (Detailed) – for fixed shifts users
For generating detailed employee attendance reports.
1. Click on [Attendance Report Detailed] in the left menu.
2. Select a searching criterion(by User, Department or All employee).
3. Set the query timeframe(yyyy/mm/dd ~ yyyy/mm/dd). Leave the timeframe blank for searching all time.
4. Click the [Query] button to generate the report. You may also click [Print] to print the report or export the report
in .csv, .txt and .xls.
Attendance Report (Total) – for fixed shifts users
For generating attendance summary(accumulated worked hours).
1. Click [Attendance Report Total] in the left menu.
2. Select searching criterion(by User, Department or All employee).
3. Set the query timeframe(yyyy/mm/dd ~ yyyy/mm/dd). Leave the timeframe blank for searching all time.
4. Click the [Query] button to generate the report. You may also click [Print] to print the report or export the report
in .csv, .txt and .xls.