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of 30 Ver 1.1 File No.: S1000012
If Switch off the siren, then all alarm raised will not drive the siren, if switch on the siren,
then when the system alarm will drive the siren for 1 minute except the SOS help
caused. Default is Switch on.
If setup the Report Time Gap, the system will periodically send “GSM Alarm System in
good working condition” to the first SMS Alert number. This is very useful for long time
use the system. Default is 0. Means will not report the system condition.
If enable the power failure alert function, the system will send SMS “AC Power Failed
30Min.” to the first SMS Alert numbers after the AC power failure 30minutes, if the
power is recovery then will send SMS “AC Power is OK.”. Default is disabled.
There’s no delay for Stay Mode. Advanced Setting
For example:
In China, the country code is
, please note, do not write
The user cell phone number is
and has been assigned as a SMS Alert
number, the simcard number in the panel is
Problem 1: Alarm but the user hasn’t received the SMS Alert.
Solution: Please plus the country code while you setup the 13570810254 as SMS
Alert number, means setup
to instead of the
Problem 2: The user number can receive the SMS Alert message from alarm panel,
but the alarm panel can not receive the commands from the user number.
Solution: Please add country code to the simcard number in the alarm panel. Means
send sms commands to
to instead of
Solution 3: When you use cell phone dial another one, what number it will be
displayed then you can set the displayed number as dial numbers; when you use cell
phone send SMS to another cell phone, what number it will be displayed then you can
set the displayed number as SMS Alert number, just use the 00 to replace the “+”.