Operation Manual Page 25
To escape, press
9.6 Sound activation
Keypad produces a sound when pressing keys. This sound can be unabled
if you desire to. To unable, press
and then press
” still
display shows “bEEP” on display.
to confirm, use
to select the right digit in
accordance with the following options:
0- Sound off
1- Sound on
9.7 AD converter verification function.
This function shows the value of Analogical/Digital converter to verify the
proper working of the whole scale including weight cells.
It is useful for our Technical Assistants to do checkings and to identify
eventual scale failures without having to send your scale to our Technical
Assistant Department.
To see converter value, press
, afterwards press
still it shows
“ICouNT”. Press
to confirm, and display will show a 6
digit number which normally will be changing, not stable.
To escape this function, press
and then press
9.8 RS-232C data output configuration (optional)
Out of the two data outputs, one can be configured, and can be used to
connect to a PC or other accessories.
To access configuration, press
and then press
it shows
to confirm, it will show the following speed transmission
data options: