• Before temporarily silencing the alarm with the Hush bu1on, iden0fy the source of the smoke.
• Smoke alarms need to be tested regularly
• Smoke alarms cannot provide an alarm if smoke cannot reach them
• Fires in chimneys, walls, roofs, different levels or behind closed doors might not be detected
• For the physically or mentally impaired, or very young, escape may be difficult and so
alterna0ve escape strategies should be adopted
• The smoke alarm may not wake heavy sleepers or those impaired by the use of drugs or
alcohol. In this case an alarm should be fi1ed in each sleeping area
• Smoke alarms can save lives, but they are not an alterna0ve for an adequate insurance policy
to protect lives and property
Leading authori.es recommend that both ionisa.on and photoelectric smoke alarms be installed to
help insure maximum detec.on of the various types of fires that can occur within the home.
Ionisa.on sensing alarms may detect invisible fire par.cles (associated with fast flaming fires)
sooner than photoelectric alarms. Photoelectric sensing alarms may detect visible fire par.cles
(associated with slow smoldering fires) sooner than ionisa.on alarms.
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