Thank you for purchasing the Kidde Combina0on Photoelectric Smoke and Carbon Monoxide
alarm with a 10-year sealed-in ba1ery.
Please take a few minutes to thoroughly read this user guide which should be saved for future
reference. Teach children how to respond to the alarms, and ensure that they don’t ever play
with this unit.
Addi0onal markings on back of the unit.
Your alarm was designed to detect both smoke and carbon monoxide from any source of
combus0on in a residen0al environment. It is not tested for use in a caravan or boat.
This apparatus is NOT a subs0tute for maintenance of fuel burning appliances and ven0ng
/exhaust systems.
If you have any ques0ons about the opera0on or installa0on of your alarm, please call our
Freephone Consumer Hotline on 0800 917 0722- between 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri.
This apparatus is to be installed by a competent person.
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