A smoke alarm pa1ern is 3 long beeps, repeated every 1.5 seconds.
At all 0mes and before installing your smoke alarm you must;
• Have an escape plan with alternate exits
• Train your family in this escape plan and prac0se it regularly
• Ensure your family know what the alarm sounds like
If the alarm sounds, check for fires first of all, and if one is discovered then;
• DO Alert small children
• DO Exit the home according to your escape plan
• DO Crawl if the smoke is dense, using a damp cloth to breathe through
• DO Call the fire brigade from a neighbour’s home
• DO Ensure that everyone is awake, and assistance is given to those who require it
• DON’T stop to dress or retrieve valuables
• DON’T open doors that are warm, or through which smoke is seeping
NOTE – Situa0ons where a smoke alarm might not be effec0ve;
• Smoking in bed
• Leaving children una1ended
• Cleaning with flammable liquids resul0ng in explosive vapour.
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