This alarm is automa0cally ac0vated when it is a1ached to the moun0ng plate for the first 0me.
Once ac0vated, the ba1ery will power the alarm for its 10-year life under normal condi0ons.
Align the alarm with the moun0ng bracket and rotate clockwise approximately 45 degrees un0l the
unit stops rota0ng and clicks into place. DO NOT over-0ghten. If the unit needs to be re-aligned
rotate the alarm an0-clockwise, remove and rotate to the desired alignment. NOTE: This alarm will
mount to the plate in 3 posi0ons (every 120 degrees).
The alarm briefly chirps to indicate that power has been received. The unit will remain on un0l it is
disabled by the user or at the end of the alarm’s life. Do not over 0ghten the alarm as this can cause
damage to the moun0ng bracket.
The alarm is now ac0vated! Now test the alarm as described in this user guide.
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