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R, S & C Series
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All “M” Series
17 to 32
M 168 & 336
Model #
Number of Positions
Filter Models
Kice Industries, Inc.
Ametek Electronic Controller
1994 to 2008:
Reference the Ametek NCC Electronic Controller Schematic (see Figure 14) on page 22 for more detail.
The Model DNC-T2010-A10, DNC-T2020-A10 and DNC-T2032-A10 controllers operate on 120 VAC,
50/60 Hz, and single-phase power. The “on” time is adjustable from 50 milliseconds to 500
milliseconds and the “off” time is adjustable from 1.5 seconds to 30 seconds. Each output has an LED
(light emitting diode) indicator to let the operator know at the control box that an output signal is being
Filter Operation & Start-Up Procedure Continued
With power applied continuously to terminals L1 and L2, the number 1 output “on” time will activate
followed by an independently timed “off” period. Each time sequence is infinitely adjustable within the
stated time range. Following the number 1 “on” and “off” time, the number 2 “on” and “off” time will be
activated. This sequence of events continues to the last selected output, then returns to the number 1
output and repeats the sequence as long as power is applied.
The controller may be stopped at any point in its sequence by the opening of a simple switch (such
as a differential pressure switch). Upon closure of the switch, the controller will resume activating the
outputs from where it left off.
A program wire allows for field selection of the number of outputs required. The loose end of the
program wire can be moved from one numbered position to another to change the number of outputs
activated. Remove this jumper by pulling it off the numbered pin to which it is currently connected and
move it to the numbered pin corresponding to the number of outputs desired (each pin closer to the
fixed end of the program wire reduces the output quantity by one).